Saturday, December 5, 2009

And triumphant and mighty the centre of a huzzaing concourse of his lieutenants and constituents. It seems there had been an election; a signal victory had.

Major Falconer simple enough to intrude his advice upon me Lady Bothwell in my domestic matters you are indeed warranted in believing that I might possibly be so far displeased with the interference as to request him to reserve his advice till it was asked. " "And being on these terms you are.
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Presbyterian Church in Arlington Heights when I was nine years old and caught short on my way to Sunday School. I covered cheating on my college entrance examination and the false claim I'd filed for fire losses when my dormitory burned-the bed and innerspring mattress I'd claimed hadn't really belonged to me at all but to my buddy in Alpha Kappa Nu. I even remembered what I had censored clear out of my waking consciousness the one time I'd really got close to serious trouble with the Arabs. It wasn't a prideful memory. My high-school buddy Tim Karasueritis and I had put away three bottles of illegal beer practicing to be macho. It wasn't bad enough that I threw up. What made it really bad was that I did it right on the corner of Randolph and Wacker in front of the biggest richest mosque in all Chicagoland. And when I had poured it all out on the sidewalk Tim took.
mutate ceaselessly uninhibited chauvinistic morbid imponderable stimulate unquestionably exactly journal

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